Meanwhile, last week when I was "down with a cold" I decided to play with some air dry clay that I saw at the local discount store. There is no brand name on it, it simply says "Air dry clay." Since the price was only a dollar, I snagged a package. My play time was spent making a couple of little faces. I was planning on a couple of serene faces like my friend Nicole makes (just below the onion photos on this post)
Mine did NOT come out serene and lovely.
Ah well.
While I was taking that photo above, I spotted a sketch book. Looking through the few pages that had been used, I found another face.
I call him "Toothy"
And then I saw this sketch page and decided to share it with you.
The lower part was a study for a possible abstract painting.
I think if I painted it, it would need to be simplified.
Linking to the Friday Face Off
Until Next Time,
Stay Creative